c programming c++ programming java programming python programming advance excel

Pravuram Nayak

I am Pravuram Nayak. I truly appreciate the fact that you are here. I have a unique career profile of 25 years. For the first half, I worked as a ‘Computer Teacher’ in a reputed institute in Bhubaneswar. After that I have joined in Schools and worked as a ‘Computer Teacher’. After that again I am working as a ‘Computer Teacher’ in a reputed institute in bhubaneswar and Now side by side I have started working as an ‘Education Technology Entrepreneur’. I am working on a grand mission of helping 100,000 people become ‘Career Champions’. So that they can realize their true potential and reach their careers goals. Additionally, I am ambitious by nature. This means that organizing schedules, managing events and coming up with great ideas won’t be a problem for me. Since I also like adventures, I’ll truly take pleasure in transforming a normal study process into an interesting adventure for students.